* The Bureau of Infectious Diseases and the Bureau of Vital Statistics continue to reconcile death data. This process is ongoing as the teams complete a deep review of the data. This review will result in some fluctuations in death numbers moving forward.
The Columbus Black Physicians Network
Physicians throughout the Columbus-area encourage education and COVID-19 vaccination.
The Road Back
Our road back is just beginning Ohio, and we need your help. Please continue to social distance and wear a mask even after vaccination…until we are all protected and back to the way we remember.
Limit Your Risk
During a pandemic, every move you make comes with risk. Until we’re all protected, limit your risk and stay safe, Ohio. coronavirus.ohio.gov #InThisTogetherOhio
It’s OK to not be OK
It’s normal to feel stressed or anxious right now. There is help available.
Ask Ohio
How do we recover from a global pandemic unlike anything we’ve ever seen before? Ask Ohio, we’ll show you.